・DRYWALL SANDER DESIGN: Helps to sand muds and plasters on the ceiling or wall more quick and easy
・ULTRA-FLEXIBLE HEAD: Reduces the risk of damage to the surface, and it helps enable more effortless movement across surfaces
・CEILING-SUCTION MODE: Helps reduce the weight of the tool while working overhead, to reduce strain and lessen fatigue
・T-HANDLE GRIP: Provides a better and more adaptable grip to help reduce arm strain, especially overhead
・QUICK-RELEASE EXTENSION POLE: Adapts the length of the sander when switching from ceilings to walls, and subtracting extension removes excess weight
・EASY-TO-REACH CONTROLS: The power switch, rpm and airflow controls can be adjusted without removing the hand from the grip
・SPEED SELECTOR: Offers results in different materials and applications
・CONSTANT SPEED: Provides smooth operation and reliable speed under load
・REMOVABLE BRUSH: With quick-release feature that allows sanding right up to corners
・FLEXIBLE DUST HOSE: Provides virtually dust-free sanding
カテゴリー: 研磨機
メーカー: BOSCH
ブランド: BOSCH
高さ: 78.7 センチ
幅: 51.1 センチ
奥行: 25.9 センチ
重量: 13.2 Kg
残り 1 点 54360.00円
(70 ポイント還元!)
翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く
お届け日: 発送日目安は1~2日後 (明日12:00のご注文まで)
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NACHI ナチ ・不二越 TD18.0 テーパードリル 18.0MM TD18.0
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大東精機 バンドソーブレード(鋸刃) DX6250X54(50)X1.6X2/3
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新潟理研測範 595-2000A 直送 代引不可・他メーカー同梱不可 長方形直定規 A級焼ナシ 2000 5952000A
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谷村実業 前幕物干し竿付きオーニング3mベージュ 5TAN-1106-30
9310.00 円